
I Never Will Forget You (Extremely Long)

My head lays on my pillow; the room is dark and damp. (-- if I could only see your face, though I know that I can't) I try to close my eyes and sleep, but your face haunts my dreams. (I feel like I've been torn apart... I'm broken at the seams.) I toss and turn; I'm restless. I know I will not sleep; (I know that I still think of you. Do you still think of me?) My eyes now face the darkness; the demon's haunting our lives. (It seems we had it all and more; Why did you leave me? Why?) It seems the clock ticks slowly, and yet our love went by so fast. (Just where did I go wrong in this, to make this love not last?) I sit up smooth, but slowly; I grip my sheets in my bare hands. (Why did you have to leave me here? I just don't understand...) It...

A Ballade of Suicide

The gallows in my garden, people say, Is new and neat and adequately tall; I tie the noose on in a knowing way As one that knots his necktie for a ball; But just as all the neighbours on the wall Are drawing a long breath to shout "Hurray!" The strangest whim has seized me. . . After all I think I will not hang myself to-day. To-morrow is the time I get my pay My uncle's sword is hanging in the hall I see a little cloud all pink and grey Perhaps the rector's mother will NOT call I fancy that I heard from Mr. Gall That mushrooms could be cooked another way I never read the works of Juvenal I think I will not hang myself to-day. The world will have another washing-day; The decadents decay; the pedants pall; And H.G. Wells has found that children...


Love Will Live Forever

I could walk a thousand miles, Just to see your perfect smiles. Although I see what they don't, They are missing what I w'ont.My love will always stay pure and clear, For your the one I do not fear. Forever and always I'll stay strong, For you my dear you are my bond. Through clouds above and stars beyond, My love, the thing I'm always fond, Will stick with you forever end, Our heart and soul will always blend.While people might think were playing pretend We will stan to defend Your in my mind your in my heart, Nothing can ever break us apart.Combined as one, Our life, Our Love Will Love Forever.    Love Forever by Alice Wal...

Love Is ...

Love is precious in many ways. Love is embrace passion. Love is eternal happiness. Love is heart felt emotions. Love is the understanding of one another. Love is that special someone. Love is flying without wings. Love is the joy you feel with someone. Love is caring for someone special. Love is that who touches your heart. Love is what makes your heart beat. Love is the healing power of your heart and soul. Love is that beauty within. Love is what makes dreams come true. Love is the fuel of the heart and soul. Love is the foundation of life. Love is the meaning of life. By Jose Aquino...

If Ever You Need Me

If ever you need me, I'll be right here, To chase away the sadness, And wipe away a tear. If ever you need me, I'll be two steps behind, To follow in your footsteps, And hear what's on your mind. If ever you need me, You'll never have to fear, That your presence isn't important, And your love isn't dear. If ever you need me, I'll always be around, To bring back the laughter, Where deep in your heart it's found. You'll never have to worry, For I'll always be here, To chase away the sadness, And wipe away a tear. I am here for you ! ...

In Quest of Love

I slide along the edge of the stream, Crossing the narrow road leading to it, Seach in the depth of the fussed ocean, To find the portion reserved for me ! I wander throughout the universe, Tracking the silvary, sparkled stars. Conspicuously, I've been so exhausted, My naive heart chose not to surrender ! I interrogate the reflective cloud, It points me to the house of obscurity, I hasten to go to the peaceful spot, There was not even the shadow of it ! I had even walked out of boundaries, To know whether which direction it took, I crapped out and fell on the wrong road. However, I was hopeful and undismayed ! Lastly, a quiescent mind appealing me, Thus, my heart plunges under the ocean, To strike the accuracy of the true love. Meanwhile,...

Flame In My Heart

Your eyes are blue and sparkling like the deepest of seas. Your presence, like a sweet, summer breeze. Your hair is glimmering and golden like sun rays. Oh how you manage to brighten up my days. Your nose is beautiful; big and round, Oh what a wonderful person I have found! Your lips are smooth and are well formed, The whole of your body is perfectly adorned. Your laughter is like ripples of energy, That caresses and moves right through me.Your voice carries the blessing gift of music, Soft and inviting with a warmth in it. The smile that i see on Your face everyday, Fills me with joy and makes me proud and gay. You have brought a peace upon my soul And have planted a flame in my heart. You are the masterpiece of the universe, And......

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